ars have a way of telling your life story. The one on your leg may be from the first time you tried (and failed) to ride a bike. The stretch marks — which are indeed scars — on your hips may be from a time in your life when you were growing up, maturing. The one on your stomach may be a C-section scar, which you were left with after giving birth.
Are you one of the countless women (or men) trying to figure out how to lose thigh fat? The diet, exercise and beauty industry is full of treatments to get rid of thigh fat at home. But very few of them work. Medical and surgical methods are more effective but can be expensive and carry some risks.
Facial Slimming at Chiangmai is TRIMAX Tripolar RF: Trimax RF technology at Chiangmai can deliver RF power levels up to Dermis (the dermis) and subcutaneous fat layer. Focused on the treatment of withered skin by stimulating collagen and tighten the skin for maximum efficient result.
There are many reasons why we would like to remove moles: aesthetically unattractive appearance, to reduce discomfort, when the mole is regularly injured (e.g. while shaving), or if disturbance is related to its localization, when it is rubbed or pressed by clothes. Moles should be removed surgically due to much more serious reasons, i.e. if the mole is atypical and there is a
A mole is a common type of skin lesion, also referred to as nevi, that grows on top of the skin and is made of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells). The heavy pigmentation in these cells causes moles to be brown or black in color. Almost all moles are non-cancerous (benign) and are caused by the growth of skin cells that form clumps/clusters rather than spreading out along the skin.
Primadonna clinic at Chiangmai have Special formula for beauty skin.
MESO FAT & LIFT is Injection for lipolysis and cellulite elimination with body shape firming up.
Meso Fat is the lipolysis and cellulite elimination program. Wherever you want to get injected such as; face, under eyes or body. Injecting vitamin into fat layer to stimulate the collected fa
Fraxel is a non-invasive, microscopic laser that penetrates your skin to encourage new collagen and elastin growth. Translation: It smooths wrinkles and scars, fades brown spots, and basically resurfaces your entire skin tone. Unlike really aggressive lasers, Fraxel is a fractional skin resurfacing treatment, which means it only targets a fraction (fraction, Fraxel—get it?) of the skin at a time.
A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible "lift" in the skin. Instead of removing the patient's loose facial skin surgically, the cosmetic surgeon simply suspends it by stitching up portions of it. This has the effect of pulling the skin back slightly and therefore lifting and tightening the face. In addition to being ideal for lifting the skin, threads combat aging in another way: by provoking the body's "he
Do you want a slimmer looking, more oval shape to your face instead of an angular looking jawline? With the modern worlds focus on image and attractiveness people are striving to achieve the perceived perfect face shape. Many cultures prefer a feminine, oval or heart shaped face for a female. While the stereotypic ideal for a male is a classical strong angular, square jawline.