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Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Chiang Mai

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Chiang Mai

Baldness is hair loss, or absence of hair. It’s also called alopecia. Baldness is usually most noticeable on the scalp, but it can happen anywhere on the body where hair grows. And hair loss can occur for many reasons. Some of the more common causes include the following: aging, change in hormones, illness leading to shedding of hair (called telogen effluvium), family history of baldness, hair transplant in Chiangmai can help with hair problem.

What are hair transplant
you can restore your hair, your self-esteem, and your self-confidence. The result of the procedure is totally natural and may be completely undetectable. But wait, choosing the right doctor with the right skill set is critical.
Now, hair transplant physicians can work with different techniques to uproot and transplant large numbers of hair follicles called follicular units. There are two main techniques currently in use for hair transplantation. The FUE, Follicular Unit Extraction; and the FUT, Follicular Unit Transplantation techniques. They vary mainly in the manner hair follicles uprooted from the donor area

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
        In an FUE hair transplant procedure. each follicular unit is independently uprooted from the scalp with no strip of tissue being removed.
        Hair follicles will randomly uproot, decreasing hair density in the donor area that many say is hardly observable. This is the major distinction between FUE and  FUT procedure.

Generally, the hair transplant physician follows these steps to perform a FUT:
1. The donor area is mark and anesthetize.
2. The custom-built micro-removal instrument isolates individual follicular units. Note that the surrounding tissue is particularly unaffected. See figures below.
3. Follicular units removed with utmost care. The donor area will heal within a week. See figure below.
4. The recipient area is anesthetized. Then your physician will create small puncture sites to receive the grafts, positioning them in a predetermined pattern and density, and angling the punctures in a uniformed way so the hair pattern will appear realistic.
5. The donor’s hairs are put in. See figures below
6. The recipient area will heal within a week

Hair Transplant – Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
        Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is an approach where the hair transplanted from the permanent zone. The region in the back and sides of the scalp where the hair is more resistant against balding, to the bald or balding areas of the scalp.
        This can achieve by using naturally occurring clusters of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs, called follicular units. After the patient’s scalp anesthetized. The physician removes a strip of tissue from the donor area. 
        An area within the permanent zone, and, once extracted. The donor strip slivered into several independent follicular units by means of microscopic dissection techniques.

        As these follicular unit grafts readied, the physician makes a small incision in the scalp, called recipient sites, where the grafts are placed.
       The arrangement and positioning of these follicular unit grafts dictate the aesthetic qualities of a hair transplant. Therefore, an arrangement needs to decide on a case-by-case basis. And according to the patient’s history of hair loss and probability of future hair loss. For the simple reason that follicular unit transplants mimic the manner in which hair grows in nature. The results will appear absolutely natural and be indistinguishable from one’s original hair.

before for Hair Transplantation
1. No Alcohol and stop smoking
2. Make arrangements for someone to take you to and from the clinic because you have to take oral sedation in addition to local anesthetics.
3. Confirm your appointment
4. Consultation or pick up antiseptic shampoo and pre op antibiotics at the clinic
Clear the payment
5. If you color your hair on the regular basis, please do so a few days prior to surgery because you should not color your hair post operative at least 1 month

On surgery day
1. Wash your hair in the morning using given antiseptic shampoo at least 5 minutes (antiseptic hand wash can be substituted for Betadine scrub and Hibitane scrub)
2. Wear a button-down shirt and comfortable pants. You should also bring an adjustable baseball cap or scarf along with you.
3. Do not wear anything that will have to be pulled tightly over your head and for a few days after surgery.
4. No tight hats or caps.
5. You may have light breakfast, but do not drink tea and coffee
6. Take antibiotic 2 capsules after meal as doctor prescribed one hour before coming to clinic. If you are not prescribed, you may take it at the clinic.
7. Please report to the clinic on time.
8. Do not drive to the clinic on the day of surgery.
9. Do not bring valuable things with you to the clinic
10. You're required to have the blood test for anti HIV (rapid test from finger tip at the clinic) 
11. Due to our policy, we apology for our cancellation, We have to cancel all case of contagious patients.

After Hair Transplantation
1st Night:
        After hair transplantation operation you will have a bandage on your donor part and a hairband around your forehead to avoid the swelling on your face. You will see small scabs in recipient area and small red holes on the donor area that will heal within 15 days.

        You may feel some swelling, itching and mild pain for a couple of days after the hair transplant operation. These symptoms can be reduced with ice applications, emollient lotions or some symptomatic medicine recommended by the doctor.
        You should start post-op hair wash procedure; you might have the first hair wash in our clinic too. We will recommend you a shampoo and a lotion and describe you how to wash your hair for the next 15 days. Washing will help remove the scabs and help with the healing process.
DAY 5-7 Days
        Transplanted grafts will become stronger, and they won’t fall by touching. You should avoid scratching. 4-5 days after the operation, hair in the transplanted area will start to fall down and this will continue for 2-3 months. After that, new permanent hair will start to grow.
DAY 15-30
        Your appearance will become regular in 2-3 weeks; people wouldn’t understand that you had a hair transplantation operation.
Months 1-3
        Shock hair loss experienced in this period and then the transplanted hair starts to grow.
Months 4-6
        In 4th month re-growth rate will increase and within the 6th month, you will see half of the result and recognize some obvious changing.
Months 6-12
       Transplanted hair will continue to grow and become thicker.
Months 12-18
        In 12-18 Months you will see the final result of your hair transplant operation. You will get the look of more intensive, longer and thick hair. The final result will appear 12 to 15 month after the operation on the front area and 18 to 20 months on the crown area.

1. https://www.yanhee.net/cosmetic-services/hair-transplant/
2. https://drserkanaygin.com/after-hair-transplantation