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Keloid Scar Laser Removal in Chiangmai

Keloid Scar Laser Removal in Chiangmai

Keloid Scar Laser Removal in Chiangmai

Keloid Scar Laser Removal in Chaingmai

Various types of lasers can be used to improve the appearance of scars. One class of lasers that is beneficial works by targeting hemoglobin, the molecule in blood that gives it a red color. These lasers, such as the pulsed-dye laser (PDL), work very well for scars that develop persistent redness or small dilated blood vessels as they heal. The PDL can also improve the appearance of healed or hypertrophic scars as well. PDL treatments can be performed in the office with local anesthesia or in the operating room with sedation or general anesthesia. Effects of treatment typically include some temporary discomfort and potential bruising that is short lived. To achieve the best results, more than one treatment may be necessary.

Another laser type that is effective on scars includes the ablative or fractional lasers such as CO2, erbium or YAG lasers. These lasers work much like dermabrasion by producing a very targeted injury to the superficial layers of the skin and allowing new skin to grow in that is smoother and more even than the previously scarred skin. Treatment can be performed in the office with local anesthesia or in the operating room with sedation or general anesthesia. Effects of treatment include temporary discomfort and a period of wound healing that requires temporary wound care and dressings, but these are less involved with fractional lasers.