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Scar Removal in Chiangmai

Scar Removal in Chiangmai

Scar Removal in Chiangmai


Scar Removal in Chiangmai

Unfortunately, no particular treatment has proven to be effective in preventing scar formation. There are several treatments that are marketed for use on minor wounds to prevent scarring, such as vitamin E creams, and silicone gel sheeting, but studies have not shown them to be consistently effective.

A wide range of treatments options are available in order to improve the appearance of scars. Some are more effective than others and some are only appropriate for certain types of scars. These treatments are discussed within the following categories:

Laser Scar removal (high energy light) resurfacing involves the use of a laser to remove or remodel damaged skin. This may be helpful for reducing bulky scars, though indented atrophic scars can also be improved with laser resurfacing. Another positive effect of laser on scar tissue is to reduce itching and burning sensations. The laser produces heat which damages the blood supply to the scar tissue, with reduced production of the collagen that forms the scar. The side effect profile of laser therapy is good compared with other treatments, with the main effect being redness after the treatment, which resolves in 7 to 10 days. Skin may stay pink for several weeks or months after treatment.

Different types of laser methods are available, including carbon dioxide lasers and pulsed dye lasers. Rather than causing redness as a side effect, pulsed dye lasers use yellow light primarily to reduce redness, but also to reduce bulk and improve scar texture.