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What is Ultherapy in Chiangmai

What is Ultherapy in Chiangmai

What is Ultherapy in Chiangmai

What is Ultherapy in Chiangmai

   Ultherapy is a nonsurgical face and neck treatment that uses ultrasound to actually lift and tone loose skin without any downtime.

   Ultherapy is also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective.

Does it hurt?

   Comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, but there can be some discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. This is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

   We take measures to make the experience as pleasant as possible [customize based on practice’s comfort management protocol (e.g. premedication, cooling fans)], and patients tell us they leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come.

How long does it last?

   Patients treated with Ultherapy still have fresh young collagen after a year’s time following the procedure, but skin continues to age. Future touch-up treatments can help keep pace with the aging process, which varies by individual.

Is Ultherapy safe?

   The procedure has been cleared by the FDA after demonstrating safety in clinical studies, and tens of thousands of treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.

How many treatments does it take?

   The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment (depending on how much laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and the collagen-building process).