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Weight Control Secret: Energy Balance

Weight Control Secret: Energy Balance

Weight Control Secret: Energy Balance

Weight Control Secret: Energy Balance

   What do you think of when you hear the term 'energy balance' -- maybe a skateboard stunt or a yoga pose? What it really means, at least in the health care community, is the art of consuming just the right number of calories to manage your weight.

   You're probably familiar with the balancing act of juggling career, family, friends, community, and personal needs. In weight control, the "balancing act" means taking in only as much food and drink as you need to fuel your body's basic functions, the activities of daily living, and exercise.

   The number of calories needed for energy balance is highly individual, and it changes from day to day depending on your activity level. Weighing in once weekly (or even more often) is the easiest method to determine whether you're in energy balance. If you take in more calories than you burn, they will likely show up as weight gained, while creating a calorie deficit sends the needle on the scale counterclockwise.

Beyond Counting Calories

   Counting calories can be labor-intensive, and can take all the fun out of eating. So instead of fixating on calories, think food, glorious food! Choosing foods that are high in fiber, fluid, and nutrients that fill you up on fewer calories is the secret to painless calorie cutting.

   Fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and small portions of lean meats and nuts are the kind of foods you should be enjoying each day. Unprocessed foods (those in their natural form) are the healthiest options at the grocery store.

If you enjoy eating refined, processed foods, do so in moderation to better control your calorie intake.

Calories and Exercise

   A healthy dose of regular physical activity will boost your metabolism in two ways. Every time you move, you burn calories. Exercise also builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you need simply to maintain your basal metabolism (the number of calories required for digestion, breathing, blood circulation, and other body processes while you're at rest).

   Of course, energy balance is not the only benefit of regular exercise. That list includes weight loss, stronger muscles and bones, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and a healthier heart - not to mention disease prevention and a longer life