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Fat Reduction in Chiangmai

Fat Reduction in Chiangmai

Fat Reduction in Chiangmai


Fat Reduction in Chiangmai

As we age, a number of biological and lifestyle factors work together to produce some undesirable effects on our skin. Natural processes within the body such as the loss of soft tissue and fat can leave skin sagging, causing those loose jowls and the creping that occurs along the face and neck. Time spent out of doors can compound these processes over the years, exposing the skin to ultraviolet light and inhibiting an increase in new collagen, the material necessary to keep skin looking sleek and tight. Ultraviolet light can also activate certain enzymes responsible for breaking down existing collagen, causing your skin to lose even more elasticity. This process can take place all over the body, not just on the face and neck, causing sagging, dimpled skin anywhere fat and soft tissue were once present, like the chest, thighs, and buttocks.

Thermage Treatments on the Body: The radio frequency used by Thermage penetrates significantly deeper than laser therapies because at a certain depth the concentrated light necessary for the laser to function becomes absorbed by the skin. Radiofrequency treatment permeates all levels of the skin to increase collagen levels and can produce a tightening of the skin around the treated area. This helps the skin look smoother and more youthful in the thighs and buttocks, and can help alleviate the damage caused to belly skin by weight loss or childbirth. In addition, concentrated radiofrequency treatments like Thermage have been known to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, giving affected areas a smooth, dimple-free surface.

Fat Reduction: Age and genetic predisposition can sometimes leave us with 10 or 20 pounds of extra weight that we can’t seem to shed, no matter how healthy our diet or how vigorous our exercise routine may be. Surgical procedures for removing fat deposits from the body can have months-long recovery periods, and, as most invasive surgeries are, can be dangerous if not properly executed.

CoolSculpting is a new, non-invasive technology that freezes fat cells, allowing them to be naturally absorbed into the body. With no cutting or suturing involved, CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to reduce fat and can create long-term results with a minimal recovery time.