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Facial Slimming Therapy at Chiangmai

Facial Slimming Therapy at Chiangmai

Facial Slimming Therapy at Chiangmai


Facial slimming Therapy at Chiangmai

   Facial slimming Therapy at Chiangmai is Carboxy therapy : Carboxy therapy procedure is the injecting of carbon dioxide gas in the cutaneous and subcutaneous layer of skin by using a fine needle. used to treat cellulite , stretch marks (striae distensae) and fat sculpting on the body.

   Carbon dioxide injected into the skin diffuses into the surrounding tissues, causing blood vessels to dilate. Dilated vessels mean more blood supply, which brings a lot of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area, improving circulation. In addition to increasing oxygenated blood-flow to the region injected, carboxy therapy also increases collagen formation in the skin, giving a more youthful appearance.

Stretchmarks occur when the skin is stretched to the point where the dermal collagen ruptures. Carboxy therapy causes the formation of new collagen and y thickens the skin to improve the appearance of the stretchmarks by rebuilding the collagen matrix. For cellulite and fat sculpting, when injected with a specific technique, carbon dioxide gas is directly toxic to fat cells. The fat cells literally burst and are eliminated by the body. Carboxy therapy is used to treat cellulite, dark under-eye circles, and stretch marks. People who undergo the procedure find an improvement in:

Additionally, it can help reduce under-eye circles by increasing blood flow to the eyelid. Some physicians have also used the therapy to treat erectile dysfunction, acute arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and alopecia caused by poor blood circulation.

For fat and cellulite reduction, the procedure is often preferred over more invasive and high-risk methods, such as liposuction.

Carboxy therapy at Chiangmai can be used on the face, eyelids, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and buttocks.