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Face Reduction

Face Reduction

Face Reduction




     Big face, big face, big jaw is a problem for many boys and girls, especially girls who have these problems, often lacking self-confidence. Whether this problem has been since childhood or just came into being as a young adult. which these problems can be solved

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It's super easy to "massage your face for a slender face".

- Let's start with the forehead. Use massage methods to manage the forehead muscles using her finger and middle finger. Massage up in a circle, massage up to the temporal area 6 strokes, repeat this 3 times, last time give a reflexology to the temporal point, soothing.

- For girls with lots of cheeks, sagging. Try a massage to lift the muscles around the cheeks with both fingertips to massage from the corners of the mouth in the massage, raise the skin to a wide angle, hold it for 4-5 seconds, then massage down. Do this three times.

Exercise for a slender face
- Cheek reduction posture The method is to open the mouth as wide as possible. Then pull the mouth to cover the teeth. and smile as wide as possible You will feel the tension in your face. because the cheek muscles are stimulated This will make your face slimmer.
- Posture to reduce fat under the chin. The method is to look up to the end and hold the palm of your hand around the neck. Then pull the lower lip to cover the upper lip as much as possible for 10 seconds. 
- Face tightening posture. The method is to smile teeth by smiling as wide as possible. to keep the muscles tight Then say 'a e e u a o' for a long time. You will feel a tighter face.
- Muscle exercise. The method is to blow the air on the cheeks one at a time, make them completely puffed up and then switch back and forth on both sides. It's a good
exercise for the front muscles.

- The jaw management posture. The method is to open your mouth as wide as possible. Then switch to doing a penis. Do these 2 poses alternating with 10 minutes a day. Your big jaw will definitely shrink in size.

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Web : https://primadonnaclinic.com/



PrimaDonna Clinic Open daily 04.30-09.00 PM.

24/8 Nimman Road, Suthep, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200

Near Thanachart Bank Soi Nimman 11



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