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Acne aestivalis Treatments in Chiangmai

Acne aestivalis Treatments in Chiangmai

Acne aestivalis Treatments in Chiangmai


Acne aestivalis Treatments in Chiangmai

   Acne aestivalis also known as acne mallorca, is a special kind of polymorphous light eruption induced by ultra violet A radiation. This condition is said to be seasonal, usually affecting people in the spring time and goes away in the fall time when there is less sun light. This photo induced skin reaction leads to a monomorphous eruption that consists of multiple, uniform, red, popular lesions. This skin reaction is classified as a delayed-type hypersensitivity because the onset is 24–72 hours after sun exposure.[3] The condition equally affects men and women between the ages of 20–40 years old with no prior history of acne vulgaris. The eruption is unusual because it spares the face but it affects the lateral aspects of the upper arms, shoulder girdle, back, and chest. This condition’s pathogenesis is not very well understood but scientists believe it an unfortunate side effect that results from a strong immune response to potentially cancer-causing cell damage.

   The treatment for this condition is topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide applied to the skin. The use of topical steroids should be avoided. Currently, there is no systemic treatment for acne aestivalis.