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How to Lose Weight Quickly : 5 Steps to Losing Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Quickly : 5 Steps to Losing Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Quickly : 5 Steps to Losing Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Quickly : 5 Steps to Losing Weight Fast


  1. Cut the Sugar

That’s probably the big question that everyone is asking and the simple answer is by cutting sugar. I don’t want to say by cutting carbs because that can be a lot harder than no longer eating Blowpops.

Carbs are what your body uses for energy (assuming you’re not a fat-burner on a low-carb diet like the keto diet). It does so by breaking down the carbs into glycogen which is an easy fuel source for your body to use.

The problem with this is that if you don’t burn through the glycogen quickly enough your body will store it as fat. Sorry, I shouldn’t say “store it” because that makes it sound like it is going to pull it off the shelf later.

  1. Sleep Like a Baby

In my 20s I didn’t really care about sleep. I would stay up late either working, gaming, or partying. I would catch up on sleep in the morning and then hit the routine again.

It wasn’t good at all.

Many people that are trying to drop weight fast fail to do so because they don’t get proper sleep. It makes sense because you don’t really associate sleep with losing weight, but it’s a really big deal.

One of the worst things about getting a lack of sleep is that your willpower reserves start to drop. When your willpower is low that’s when you begin to make poor food decisions. It’s a slippery slope from thinking that one Oreo won’t hurt to finally eating the whole pizza on your own.

Good sleep also ensures that your hormones are functioning properly. You never want to throw your hormones out of whack because it completely disrupts everything that you have going for you.

Of course, telling someone to get more or better sleep is easier said than done. If you’re struggling then have you considered doing some yoga to help you sleep?

  1. Eat a Lot of Protein and Low-Carb Vegetables Cooked in High-Quality Fats

Okay, so you’ve cut out the carbs and have an awesome game plan for getting a good night’s sleep, but you probably want to eat at some point.

So what do you eat?

When you are doing your detox you want to consume a healthy amount of protein every chance you get. The reason why is because your body has to find a new energy source since you are depriving it of all of the sweet sugars you used to give it.

  1. Anaerobic Exercise 3x per Week

This is a tricky step because common sense tells you that you should be exercising while dieting and at some point, you should. It shouldn’t happen when you are going through your detox though because your body is adjusting and it’s pretty hard to convince your mind to eat differently and start a new workout routine.

  1. Focus on the Quality of Your Food

Knowing how to read food labels is important, but you never want to end up just reducing your food to numbers. You want your body to enjoy everything that you consume and you want to feel good about it later.

The problem with just reducing food to just numbers is that you can find sneaky ways to get a box of chocolate chip cookies into your daily diet if you skimp out on other things.